Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Happy Birthday Princess!

Today, my little girl is 3 years old. Where did the time go? It's kind of sad. Her growing so fast. But I know it has to be this way. So, I'm trying to enjoy the moments. I have been playing kitchen, baby dolls, and even army men. I guess you could say she is well rounded. With growing up with 6 brothers, she doesn't have much choice. She makes poor Jack play the Daddy game. I think that is a manly way to say play house. And she forces the others at different times, to play what she wants. But then there are the times she compromises, and plays with men. They set up a foot ball game. I hear her talking about touchdowns and bad calls. So, I think she will probably be like me. A girly tom boy. At least she loves all things girly. I mean, the child hasn't worn pants yet. Except for pjs. She loves jewelry, dresses, shoes, and tights! Anything pink she thinks belongs to her.
Happy birthday, Baby Girl. I love you, and I am so grateful to the Lord, that He heard our prayers for a healthy baby girl. You care exactly what we all prayed for. You love life, you bring smiles, and I know you will grow up to love the Lord.

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