Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas party time

Ẃ decided to have our annual Christmas party again this year. Its what we do for the church as a gift. I spent several days 'baking and planning. pinterest  is a life saver! My favorite thing was the hot chocolate buffet. It was a big hit too.  I made lots of goodies. Nathan helped make his famous Oreo balls. Even Caleb stepped up to the plate and helped dip my famous peanut butter balls. It is lots of fun to do this with the kids. And Intl want to forget my wonderful hubby, who's babysitting qualities made all this possible! Thank you, hun.
Don't these look nearly professional? Go Nate!
Drum roll please...........

This was the awesome cocoa buffet. All ideas were from pinterest  thanks!!
I dipped spoons in chocolate, and some in white chocolate. Some in caramel, too. Have you ever noticed how a little drizzle really dresses things up? You just pour your cocoa in a cup, add marshmallows, and grab a spoon and stir! It was lots auf fun and I had lots of compliments on it.
For real food I grabbed French bread from walk mart and topped it with lunchmeat and provolone. Popped it in the oven until cheese was bubbly. Top with a little mustard.
Yum! No party is complete without sausage balls and dip. It was a fun evening, too. And after a tiring day and a fun party, you wont even guess what happened as soon as the last guest left.... stayed tuned for that story.

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