Wednesday, December 31, 2014

after party excitement

As you know I have a cute little mini schnauzer female, Breeze. We also had a male, Captain, who has since found a new home with a man who had lost his schnauzer of 16 years, last year. Breeze and Captain were expecting puppies earlier this month. She was actually due Dec 18. I had been taking her temp and hovering over her for a week. I was pretty sure she would pick the worst day to have them. lol. So I wasn't surprised when the morning of the Christmas party, her temp had dropped to 97 degrees, and we knew we would have puppies that day. December 16. I spent all day getting ready for the party, while hovering over Breeze. I told her not to have them until after the party so I could be there. The last person left a little after 9 pm. I went and let Breeze out of her whelping area, to potty. I went to the kitchen to clean up. She came in the house, came in the kitchen, and sat there looking at me and panting. I said, "Breezo, is it time?" she smiled, and headed back to her area, looking ove rher shoulder all the way, to make sure I was coming. She wenI t right into the big closet and started into active labor.
She labored for a while, then started to push out the first pup. But just like last time, the puppy got stuck! It was a very scary 50 minutes as I waited and then started to pray silently. Then I started praying aloud as only two back feet had been visable for quite some time, and she was getting tired. I grabbed the paws. nothing was moving. Thankfully I had been reading up on such things.
  I ended up turning poor Breeze upside down and jiggling the puppy back inside, and she rotated just enough that Breeze ws able to push her out a little more. I grabbed the pups haunches and had to pull amazingly hard!!! But out came a gorgeous, healthy black and silver female, Noel.

The next female was a salt and pepper, Gingerbread.

The third had to be pulled a little bit, but was a healthy black and silver female, Prancer. d
Thank goodness all is well. The puppies are growing so fast. They are two weeks old now. Eyes are open and they eat constantly. Breeze is  a very good mama.
So now we have three AKC miniature schnauzer puppies that are for sale and will need a new home the week before Valentines day.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas party time

αΊ‚ decided to have our annual Christmas party again this year. Its what we do for the church as a gift. I spent several days 'baking and planning. pinterest  is a life saver! My favorite thing was the hot chocolate buffet. It was a big hit too.  I made lots of goodies. Nathan helped make his famous Oreo balls. Even Caleb stepped up to the plate and helped dip my famous peanut butter balls. It is lots of fun to do this with the kids. And Intl want to forget my wonderful hubby, who's babysitting qualities made all this possible! Thank you, hun.
Don't these look nearly professional? Go Nate!
Drum roll please...........

This was the awesome cocoa buffet. All ideas were from pinterest  thanks!!
I dipped spoons in chocolate, and some in white chocolate. Some in caramel, too. Have you ever noticed how a little drizzle really dresses things up? You just pour your cocoa in a cup, add marshmallows, and grab a spoon and stir! It was lots auf fun and I had lots of compliments on it.
For real food I grabbed French bread from walk mart and topped it with lunchmeat and provolone. Popped it in the oven until cheese was bubbly. Top with a little mustard.
Yum! No party is complete without sausage balls and dip. It was a fun evening, too. And after a tiring day and a fun party, you wont even guess what happened as soon as the last guest left.... stayed tuned for that story.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

merry christmas!!

It's finally Christmas day. So sorry I haven't been here all month. Its been so busy. I will definitely catch you up on everything. Gracelyn-Joys birthday, our schnauzer puppies my Christmas party, our really nice candlelight service at church, and of course, ,todays excitement. Have a wonderful Christmas!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Born to die

Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year.  It really is, in my humble opinion. But the thought this year on my,  heart keeps coming back. One day, hundreds of years ago, god made the world. He fashioned the rocks that made a borrowed tomb. He spoke golgathas hill into exhistence. Years later he formed future roman soldiers, cruel and heartless, in their mothers wombs. They were born, tiny and sweet. God created the tree, watered it and made sure it had sun. He watched it grow big and strong knowing one day it would be made into a wretched cross. And then, one night, a woman who had never been with a man, gave birth in a smelly stable, full of His creation.  Heavens choir came out to sing hallelujah! Angels left God's side, to announce the birth of a   King. Even a brand new star was created, like a lighthouse beacon, to show people the way to the newborn Jesus. Have you ever just thought of the magnitude of this? It changed the world forever.
    As i sat listening to a song this morning in church, I gazed down atmy own beautiful son, sleeping peacefully in my arms tears welled up in my eyes. He is so precious and sweet. I couldnt fathom Marys thoughts as she looked down at Jesus that night. Did she know that her Son was born that day, just to die? For her?  For us??? My head cant wrap around it.
  Ponder this thought this year. He did it all.....just for you!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Birthday snacks

Well, I just HAVE  to share this awesome, easy, festive treat. We got a popcorn popper. We use it all the time. So, I put it to good use for Andrew and Jack's birthday. I used in for the goody bag. It was a huge hit at the party, at church, and it will be made a good bit.
I found the recipie here.  It is so good, easy, and so not healthy. But your birthday comes buy once a year. So, I splurged.
It's called Birthday Cake popcorn. oh, yumm. You will definately want to make some today. And I am sure microwave popcorn would be a close second, and totally yummy also.
I have done it with a sugar free chocolate cake mix, and sugar free chocoalte chips. It was good. but not this good. lol.
And while we are one popcorn, the zebra popcorn and caramel recipies are OUT OF THIS WORLD! Try one tonight! Thanks you Mrs. Schwartz!!!

Happy Birthday Princess!

Today, my little girl is 3 years old. Where did the time go? It's kind of sad. Her growing so fast. But I know it has to be this way. So, I'm trying to enjoy the moments. I have been playing kitchen, baby dolls, and even army men. I guess you could say she is well rounded. With growing up with 6 brothers, she doesn't have much choice. She makes poor Jack play the Daddy game. I think that is a manly way to say play house. And she forces the others at different times, to play what she wants. But then there are the times she compromises, and plays with men. They set up a foot ball game. I hear her talking about touchdowns and bad calls. So, I think she will probably be like me. A girly tom boy. At least she loves all things girly. I mean, the child hasn't worn pants yet. Except for pjs. She loves jewelry, dresses, shoes, and tights! Anything pink she thinks belongs to her.
Happy birthday, Baby Girl. I love you, and I am so grateful to the Lord, that He heard our prayers for a healthy baby girl. You care exactly what we all prayed for. You love life, you bring smiles, and I know you will grow up to love the Lord.

Christmas preperations

Well, finally it is ok to celebrate my favorite time of year! I can't believe it is already December 2! Today is our Princess' 3rd birthday. wow! the time flies. I stayed up til 10:30 last night appliqueing her a strawberry shortcake shirt to wear today. So we let her open a couple of gifts, and we took her to our favorite mexican restaraunt. IT was a good day. SHe loved her baby doll stroller and high chair.
      Christmas is a great day. But getting there is the most fum. Black friday we always get our tree and decorate it. We always get each child a new ornament. SOmething that marks an important event in their life. One day, as they slowly leave home, my tree will become bare. I will give them their own ornaments to remind them of their childhood, and hopefully their wives will enjoy them as much as we do.
      We have lots of birthdays, so that is always in the mix.
      Christmas programs at church, annual Christmas open house here at our home, for the church members to come by and eat. Christmas carols, lots of gingerbread, parades, looking at lights, shopping, and cheer.
      It's such a fun time. Although I am aware that for many, its a very sad time. And I hate that.
This year we have so much to be grateful for. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas season. And the theme that is on my heart for this year, "He was born to die." And I am so glad Jesus did!

Latest projects

So I have been very busy lately. Mostly with birthday parties! But, I found time to squeek out a few projects. The first one was for our dog, Breeze. Breeze is a four year old mini shcnuazer, who is expecting her last litter of puppies in about 10 days! They will be ready to go to new homes around Valentines day! Any way, after I clipped her, she needed a nice new coat. She hates the itchy sweaters from wal mart. She just tries to rub them off. SO I made her a quick doggy coat out of nice soft, warm fleece. I found a free tutorial online, and after a few glitches, here is the end result!
Breeze loves it! Haven't seen her try to rub it off but a few times. HA!
Then I found a really cool "in-the-hoop" project from one of my favorite applique websites. It was a lot of fun. I figured out a few things along the way. So the second pair, (the first way too small), went along easier. I think they are so adorable. And Brennen really likes to look at the shoes. They definitely don't look home made!
To this list I have made a nightgown, appliqued several shirts, and made Breeze a Christmas coat out of my moms scrap fleece. Yeah! Reduce, reuse, recycle.