Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fall is in the air....

Fall is here. At last. The summer heat and humidity are in our memories. Now the mornings and evenings are cooler, and the breeze is nippy. Truthfully, my mind is going straight to my favorite season...Christmas! But, I am trying to enjoy each day. So I will spare you all my Christmas musings, and share our first fall celebration.
Some friends in our church invited us to their little sort of annual hayride. We met up at their house, all the kids and one dog in tow, and headed out to their catfish pond. Jack, the 4 year old curly top, had been waniting to fish for a long while now. So, he loaded his hook with hot dog and got help casting the line. It wasn't long before he proudly hauled in a catfish. His blueberry eyes lit up with joy only a child can posess. he was very proud. He eventually hauled in 7 more!!
Here  is Jack with the pond owner, Stevie. So sweet!
 Here is Reece, Andrew, and hubby, Lee helping get the big ones in!
This is my oldest son, Caleb, reeling in his first. Not exactly a whopper, but it was fun!
Here is the Princess. She caught the biggest fish. She was happy. Bless her heart, she was the only little girl. But she is used to that, right??

After fishing, we loaded up in the hay and rode up to their little cabin for a weeny roast. It was lots of fun. All the boys there played football, went on a narure walk(they found a snake!) It was so nice out. We ate til we were stuffed. About sunset we started back to the house. It was  a very fun, pleasant way to spend a fall evening! Thanks Patsy, Stevie, and Sidra!
 awww, there's me with our newest little one, Brennen.
Sitting around the camp eating and visiting.
We gotta do this AGAIN!!!

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