Monday, October 27, 2014

Birthday Party Time!!!

Well, we had another birthday party. Nathan turned 12 years old on Oct. 25th. I can't believe my second son is already 12. Time has flown so quickly. Just the other day I gave birth to a shocking 9 lb baby boy!!! He is a blessing. He loves to be crazy, he is very compassionate, and loves all animals. Even the spider I want to smash before it crawls on me. He loves to help me cook, and has so many fun hobbies. He is a blessing, and we are thankful for him. I pray he will always have a tender heart, especially toward God.
So what did the birthday boy want to eat for supper, and what kind of cake did he want? He ordered up cheeseburger soup, garlic bread, and of all things....a TOILET CAKE! So, being the wonderful mom that I am, I served it up!

He wanted cookie dough. So I molded the toilet with dough, then  covered it with yummy marshmallow fondant.  A very easy to make good tasting fondant.
Heres the crew. Didn't have to call them twice!!
After the party he got a few gifts, then we popped pop corn and listened to our team, the Ole Miss Rebels, get beat by LSU. It was crushing! there went our undefeated season. Oh, well.

Happy Birthday, Nate!!!!!

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