Sunday, November 9, 2014

Go Rebels

Well, after a spotty night of sleep, we picked up my friend, Sidra, and we headed to Oxford. It was an uneventful drive, thankfully, besides getting stuck behind a huge combine for what seemed like a millenium. Of all the nerve. I mean, really. How dare the farmer drive that slow goliath of a machine on the only road to Oxford, especially with a line of Rebel fans at least three long, patiently, err, impatiently, waiting behind him!!
    So anyways, we made it there, found a parking spot nearly in the woods, and began the long walk to the stadium. Since this even was on Sidra and my's bucket list, we decided to do it right. We went through the Grove, and looked around at the tailgaters. Boy, that was very enjoyable. People really get into that, let me tell you! Sport coats, decorations, big screens!!
We got to our seats, and sat down. It wasn't long until it was game time. The atmosphere there was awesome. You felt like you were a part of something great. Like you belonged. Every one was wearing red. The families had their kids dressed to root on our team.
The weather was nice.  A little chilly, but otherwise good.
     I am putting in some of the pics. It was a great game, and it was a lot of fun. So, we learned a few things this first trip. Next year we will not be newbies. So we will have a better grip on the dos and don'ts.
 Heres the gang. Don't we look like awesome fans?? Only Brennen, me and jack are missing. Jack, being the busy type, didn't want to go. So we took him to a friends, and took their daughter in his place.
Ok. Here is our seats. They were actually closer than this pic shows. We could really see good!!

 Here's the happy Princess. She really got into cheering the team on.
 Heres a pic of me and my oldest, Caleb.

 Reece, and Andrew, and some strangers.
And my favorite pic of the day, Cubbie. He was so sweet and good and had a blast in his mom's pack. He is a little ole miss fan, too!! We love you Brennen,.

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