Thursday, November 20, 2014

Boys to men.

I'm going through my days, very aware of what is happening. The days, and weeks, and months, and years are whizzing by me in a blind flurry! Thirteen and a half years ago, my dream started coming true, when the Lord sent my oldest son, Caleb, into our arms. What a joyous day! So soft and tiny. A perfect little gift. Little did I know 13 years later, I would have 7 healthy, beautiful gifts in my life.
      But just the other day, Caleb, always being older than his years, is turning into a man. First he didn't want to play toys. Then his play time changed. His wants started looking different. Then his body started changing. HE HAS MUSCLES PEOPLE! He and his dad workout together. And then, last Friday he became a deer slayer. Much to his dad's pride, and my chagrin, he killed a nice little 6 point buck. OH, the people at church were all into that! Pictures passed around. slaps on the back. You go boy!( I don't know how any of us made it without smart phones. How did we? I mean, who ever thought about a camera in your phone was a genius).
        But when I got the excited call, right from the deer stand just as the gunshot sound echoed through the field and faded, I was sad. I realized my baby had just crossed over. I was proud of him. But the letting him go has begun. And it brings tears. But, I know he loves the Lord. He has a huge desire to please our God. And I know he will be such a blessing to God's kingdom. Just as I know all his siblings will.
       So, today, a few pics of my Caleb. A picture of his deer, his very first deer, downed with one lethal shot. He weighed 108 pounds. YOU GO BOY!

And then my oldest and my youngest, how sweet is that?????

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