Friday, January 23, 2015

The dogs in our lives....

We broughtt Finn home yesterday. Boy is he soft and cuddly. So far he just wants to cuddle. Yay! His puppy pad aim needs improvement. But I'm sure he will gee better.

Then there are the schnauzers. We still have one pup available. Poor cookie..... we haven't told he she hasn't sold, unlike her siblings. She is happy and I don't thing there is any reason to disrupt her happiness. They are growing and getting very playful.

NIA and Stormy, chilling out.
 Below is cookie. She still needs a home. Who could resist this face?????
Breeze is going to the vet next week, along with Dixon, and getting fixed. Then she will be ready to go to her new home. In about 2 weeks the pups will be old enough to leave!

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