Monday, January 12, 2015


In my last post I talked about going to see our new puppy. The first one we picked had a bad under bite, so I chose another cute puppy. His name is Finn. After scouring the web for a while and finding all the info I could about shichons, I decided that I would like to try one out. So Lee graciously allowed me to try one out since we had sold down to one dog anyways. I had a hard time finding one in my price range. I mean, they are a MIXED breed, after all. But the prices of some of these dogs reflect top quality AKC show dogs!! anyway, I found a breeder of small dogs, called, she sent pics, and we fell in love with a black and white teddy bear. Now, before you go on at me about all the dogs in the humane shelters, and puppy mills, etc, remember I know all that. I have rescued quite a few animals from there. Including our two cats. But this is America, and I don't see anything wrong with a local business.
     So meet Finn. About to be the newest member of the Dillard family. He will join Dixon and Breeze here. I have high hopes for the little guy. I am looking forward to Nate an I undertaking his training, and being able to share him with needy people. I know it will be happy, heartbreaking, and many other things. The next year will be tough. Finn and we will need to learn a lot of things He will need basic obedience, plus learn to not be afraid of anything that could come to us at a hospital or a nursing home or school. Then when we think he is ready, he will need to pass a 13 test exam. Things like not reacting when a metal pan crashes behind him, or being told to leave it when someone is offering him a yummy treat. It will be fun. And a perfect extra credit in homeschooling!!! But for now, we will just enjoy this puppy, take him to puppy class and get our homework done, and hope he has a calm disposition and a love for people.
 Awww, isn't he a cutie?? The breedr expects him to be around 10 pounds when grown.

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