Tuesday, June 7, 2016

To my oldest son....

Cant believe it has been 15 years(April2) since my life dream
Came true and I gave birth to my first child! And it coukdnt have been a better first son, either. You are maturing into a hamdsome, caring, hard working, Godly young man. You read your Bible everyday, and more importantly you put what you have learned into practice. I am so proud of you!!! I never have to worry about what you are doing, whether your chores will get done, or if you have your school completed. You are super trustworthy. This past April at missions comferenec, the Lord called you to make your call to the mission field public, and I couldnt have been more proud!
Brennen James adores you and you are so good with him. Hardly ever acting as if you are sick of being a two yr olds hero! You patiently care for Cubbie daily.  I know the Lord has big plans for you! Just stay true to yourself amd keep your honest character. I love you more than life!
We took you to the Ole Miss baseball game again and it was a blast!! We lost, but oh well!!

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