Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Sweet little Cubbie...

May 19 came far too quickly! I can not believe my little caboose is two years old already!! Its crazy how time flies. You are still a little guy, though. Only 27 lbs!! You love your bebe, or blanky, your Mama, and your bubba, Caleb. You Re starting to talk and trying hard to get some hair. You LOVE and i mean dearly love Cuties. Those tiny citrus balls make your whole face light up!! You are usually a happy little fellow you sleep most of the night now. Yay!! You have a sweet little smile and like to shake hands with people at church. Your dark sad eyes melt peoples hearts!! We love you, Brennen James, and I am so thankful God answered our prayers and sent you to us!! I pray you will be saved young and use your whole life to serve Jesus! I love you little Cubbie!
Grandmother took us all to chuck e cheese for a party. You had a cute whale cake and pizza and you like playing the games. Mostly you like putting the tomens in the machines.

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