Thursday, March 17, 2016

Catching up

ots been forever. Blame technology. My old ohome couldnt put pictures on my blog. We still dont have internet. So it wasnt convienent. But now maybe the pictures will show up!!
I believe my last post was in Septmeber. Goodness. Time flies. So heres a whirlwind of my life!
We still dont have a church. We have turned several down because God wouldnt give us peace to go. We are still poor, but God has provided for our every need. Right on time, every time. Lee is still working at Hancock fabrics. The kids and i are still doing the same old thing. School, clean, etc.
our fluff ball, Finn, went to a new home due to the stress of a dog that wont housetrain in a ymriny home. We still have Dozer, the boxer. It has been a long road of well ess for him. But i believe we have arrived.

Most of the children had birthdays in the fall. They Are all growing so quickly. Lee has been busy filling in places the last month or so, which is great. Sonwe are continueing to beg God for a place to serve Him again in a church. 
There have been some really hard times this past year. Times we didnt think we would make it. Times we thought God forgot about us. Times when nobody in the world remembered our situation. Then God would nudge someone to give to us. Built our faith. Showed my children we CAN trust God for all our needs and even our wants. God used a good friend of ours to save Christmas in the nick of time!! God bless you!!! So even in the hard dark times, God is there. So thankful for that. 

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