Sunday, August 30, 2015


No, friends, not lost or forgotten! We had to move suddenly, so my life took a little detour and there hasnt been much free time! But i am still here. There hasnt benn any sewing ir new baking recipies. But Go has been real in the last month or so! We are still with out a church. But God has kept Lee busy filling in and we have been to some really neat places.
God has continued to supply our every need. He is so awesome!! A sweet family gave us the use of their little rent house. We are camping out in one bedrm with wall to wall mattresses! And we are learning how to manage with one, yes, one toilet!! I believe living with out all the stuff may be a good thing! Simple life. Ahhhh.....
We also added a puppy to the herd. His namr is Dozer. He is an AKC boxer puppy. His daddy is almost a champion. He has championship pedigree. He is a lively boy, and we love him. He isnt hyper at all. And very smart. He is doing well in puppy kindergarten, too. Finn likes him, but Dixon cant stand the sight of him. Lol. He has grown so fast too. He is almost 4 months old. I will try to get a picture soon!!
Im going to make an effort to et back into the blog world!!

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