Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Sewing frenzy

In the past month or so I have been on a sewing frenzy. A friend of mine bought some things I made and gave me a little bonus!! YAY! so that I could buy some fabric. SO, of course I took advantage of that. I am still working on one more. SLow go on that since havn't had time to sit and smock lately.
 I just love brother sister outfits. These seersucker ones are so comfy!

 This bishop is fab! I love the coral and peach and citrus colors. IT took 8-12 hours to smock this bishop. LOVE IT.


  1. These are beautiful! So, I'm wondering... How do you smock? Is that even the right way to say it? LOL. Do you have to have a special machine. Wow. I'm over here standing in awe.

  2. These outfits are BEAUTIFUL.....
