Tuesday, May 19, 2015

a moment....

Any of you moms seen the best movie ever, Mom's Night Out?? That has to be one of the best movies ever. Allie has to be me made over. Every thing she says and does is Cristen. Maybe that is why it is so hilarious. And one of my favorite parts is where she talks about having a "moment". I am giggling now. Her moment is when the bomb goes off and she feels crazy and nearing saying things she shouldn't. MY, how I can relate. Can't you?? Do you ever have a "moment'? When the stress levels with the children are getting to the blowing up point, and the baby is crying and only wants YOU, and the two smallest are fussing, and the oldest is having a TEEN moment, and daddy is gone somewhere??? Well, my friend, there is help. Jesus is here for us. We just have to take time to seek His face. Pray for strength. Honestly, sometimes I do this, and still fail. But I am a work in progress.
   If you haven't seen the movie, its definitely worth buying. It will make you laugh a lot, and really has a good message. Being a mom IS crazy hard. But its the best job in the world!

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