Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Little things

Our life has changed a lot in the last two weeks. My husband resigned from the church, and now we are unemployed with a large family. We need to e moving from the parsonage by mid June. The boys have started playing baseball, too. But the Lord is faithful when you follow His path. He will provide for your needs, and more often than not, give you lots extra. I wont bore you with all the ways God has provided already, this past week or so. But one hing I thought was really neat happened yesterday. But I didn't even realize it until this morning.
     I had several dresses I didn't need, so I had two friends I was going to sell the different things to. One set had a couple of smocked things Nd an appliqued dress. The others were nice dresses. I was going to drop off that set then pick up my check with the other set. At the first stop, I really felt I should just give them to her. After I got in the car I told her I wasn't going to cash the check. The next stop w the fancy stuff, I dropped it in the mailbox. She told me she had written check for a few extra dollars as a happy.
      It didn't dawn on me until today that God had given me even more than I had given up! Ain't God good?? And that was just a little thing. He really will take care of us!!

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