Friday, April 3, 2015

Happy Birthday Caleb

Yesterday was your 14 th birthday. I still cant believe it. Just. Few months ago I held you in my arms, rocked you And read you book after book. You were a chubby blonde haired lil boy with smiling blue eyes. And now, you have grown into a handsome, smart, thoughtful, Godly young man. I'm so proud of you! You do great in school; I never have to fuss or beg or plead. You just get your work done with out a word. You love to learn, and thats so great!
     You are a good role model for your younger brothers. If they would listen and follow, they would be wise. Not that you are perfect. But you do strive to live right. Keep it up! God is proud, i know.
     The sweetest thing is seeing you care for your baby brother, Brennen. He loves you so much, and you have really learned how to care for him. You change diapers, rock him to sleep, entertain him in the car, and tell him all about the Ole Miss Rebels. Lol.
      My prayer for you is that you will always love the Lord. That you will always have a soft heart, and stand strong. You have already read the Bible through once, and on your way through it again. Keep His Word in your heart. I know the Lord has a great plan for your life. I cant wait to see it unfold. Im so proud that God sent you to us and that I'm your mom. Im proud to say you are my oldest son, and I love you so much! Happy birthday!

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