Sunday, February 22, 2015

day four

well, today was Sunday. It was absolutely perfect weather. Since the website said the beach was just a mile down the road, I decided during nap to take the four oldest boys to the beach so they could play football. well,  that mile was more like two!! But we made it safely. The sun and clouds and cool breeze and 70 degrees temps made it fabulous!! Everyone hit the beach today. wasn't hardly room at all to sit. I looked for awhile for a sharks tooth, but no luck. We found a few neat shells. The boys played some football, too. Then Lee texted that Brennen was missing me. So we headed back. My knee was out, ,and I had a few bunions on my feet by the time we got back.. But I hope it worked off a few of the pounds I have gained since being off my diet. UGH.
        We also had our very first from -the -tree -to -our -mouth ,perfectly ripe ,Florida oranges! They are soooo juicy and wonderful. Nate made OJ with his.
Here is a pic  of my room this morning. Sweet. QUIET.
 Neptune Beach, FL.
Tomorrow is our last day at this spot. Then it is time for some back home excitement!! I am ready to get our fur kids back. I sure hope they remember us. By now it has been an eternity and they don't think we are coming back. sad.

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