Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day 6 all things come to an end...

Today we travelled northwest. Originally we planned to drive to Atlanta and spend the night. But we decided that winter weather heading west was a problem. So we drove 668 miles northwest. We drove through four states, stopped about 5 times, and was in the vehicle more than 10 hours!! Where in the world are the Dillard's? If you guest back in northeast Mississippi, you win the game!! we made it safe and sound, and sane! The kids were mostly very good the whole way. I was proud of them. Lee did a fantastic job of driving and I didn't go crazy in the back seat entertaining babies...well..., mostly! ha.
I've enjoyed this little game with you all. Thanks for playing along and reading my entries! Hope it was a little bit of fun.
The excitement for today included a fun stop at Bass Pro Shop, seeing all the wild dead animals that are stuffed there, and  the boys played the laser gun shooting game. And, when we got home the heat was out and it was 52 degrees in here! YIKES. Thankfully, a man in church was able to whiz on over and fix it very quickly.yippeee. Now, for a decent nights sleep in my own bed. Hoping baby sleeps better too.  It's suppose to snow a bunch tomorrow. we shall see......

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