Friday, January 23, 2015

Stepping stones

Ive been thinking about Gods will lately. So many things seem to affect it. It seems mans option to choose seems to stand in the way. Other times it seems that what you thought was Gods will, turns into a crazy winding path that doesn't resemble any thing you thought it would. Sometimes in my life, I have been so sure of things. I knew without a doubt what God wanted me to do. But then circumstances changed and things didn't turn out as I thought. It was painful instead of  glorious. It was disappointing instead of exciting. Does this mean  I missed God? No. It doesn't mean that at all! IN fact, sometimes things change because there is something God needs to teach us before we are ready to go to the next stepping stone in life. And, after all, everything we do and very where we go are just stepping stones , taking us  one step closer to where He wants us. Steps closer to Home, in fact.
      Boy, some of the stepping stones are slick. Some are jagged. They aren't  all  pretty and ornate. They aren't all beautifully decorated for all to enjoy. Some are not fun in the least!!! But because our Lord knows everything, and has a perfect plan, each stepping stone on our path of life was lovingly placed at exactly the right place. Its the exact stone we need at that moment. Whether its an ugly, crude stone designed to make us call out to God for help, or a pretty stone that is full of beauty and happiness, we can trust that God has placed it there for us. Plans to make us better. Plans to prosper us. Jeremiah 29:11  Keep trusting Him.

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