Easter. The most wonderful time for a Christian. Spring is in the air, flowers are blooming, the birds are singing again, and the air is fresh after the rain. (I won't mention the pollen that covers everything like frosting on a cake.)
It's the time we Christians remember what our Lord did for us. He came down to earth, grew, then began a wonderful ministry on earth to show His love for us. After 33 years of life, men nailed Him to an aweful cross, where he hung there, between Heaven and earth. He did it for us! He died for me. And you. How amazing it is to think He could do that for me. I am so thankful.
This year I wanted to do some things to celebrate spring, and Easter. We took the week off of most of our school, and played and did fun things. MOnday morning we took our pups to the park and had a picnic. We hid plastic eggs, we played outside, and we had a few snacks.
One night we had Bunny pancakes for supper.
On Thursday we had Calebs birthday meal and I made bunny garlic Resurrection Rolls. Got that idea off....you guessed it......Pinterest.
You need crescent rollds, marshmallows, butter, and cinnamon sugar. you unroll the rolls. I talked with the kids about how the roll represented the grave. The marshmallows represented Jesus. We talked about why Jesus had to die on the cross. I drove home the point that because they didn't obey me, were hateful to their brother, or snuck candy, that Jesus had to die because we sinned. we dipped the marshmallow in butter. Then put cinnamon sugar all over it. Then we tolled the marshmallow up in the roll like the wrapped Jesus up in graveclothes. Then we put them on the pan and baked them. I told them while they were in the oven that it was like Jesus being in the grave three days. The aroma was sweet. Isn't that just like our Jesus??? Out of the oven they came. We talked about that first Easter Sunday, the women went to the tomb but it was empty!!! (At this point in the discussion, I was about to cut the roll, and was praying it had turned out and I didn't look like an idiot!!) I took a roll, cut it open, and there was nothing but empty space inside. Woo hoo! it was a really cool visual. And tasty too. And even Jack, 5, and Gracelyn-Joy, 3, enjoyed it and answered questions.