Sunday, December 7, 2014

Born to die

Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year.  It really is, in my humble opinion. But the thought this year on my,  heart keeps coming back. One day, hundreds of years ago, god made the world. He fashioned the rocks that made a borrowed tomb. He spoke golgathas hill into exhistence. Years later he formed future roman soldiers, cruel and heartless, in their mothers wombs. They were born, tiny and sweet. God created the tree, watered it and made sure it had sun. He watched it grow big and strong knowing one day it would be made into a wretched cross. And then, one night, a woman who had never been with a man, gave birth in a smelly stable, full of His creation.  Heavens choir came out to sing hallelujah! Angels left God's side, to announce the birth of a   King. Even a brand new star was created, like a lighthouse beacon, to show people the way to the newborn Jesus. Have you ever just thought of the magnitude of this? It changed the world forever.
    As i sat listening to a song this morning in church, I gazed down atmy own beautiful son, sleeping peacefully in my arms tears welled up in my eyes. He is so precious and sweet. I couldnt fathom Marys thoughts as she looked down at Jesus that night. Did she know that her Son was born that day, just to die? For her?  For us??? My head cant wrap around it.
  Ponder this thought this year. He did it all.....just for you!

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