Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Sewing frenzy

In the past month or so I have been on a sewing frenzy. A friend of mine bought some things I made and gave me a little bonus!! YAY! so that I could buy some fabric. SO, of course I took advantage of that. I am still working on one more. SLow go on that since havn't had time to sit and smock lately.
 I just love brother sister outfits. These seersucker ones are so comfy!

 This bishop is fab! I love the coral and peach and citrus colors. IT took 8-12 hours to smock this bishop. LOVE IT.

a moment....

Any of you moms seen the best movie ever, Mom's Night Out?? That has to be one of the best movies ever. Allie has to be me made over. Every thing she says and does is Cristen. Maybe that is why it is so hilarious. And one of my favorite parts is where she talks about having a "moment". I am giggling now. Her moment is when the bomb goes off and she feels crazy and nearing saying things she shouldn't. MY, how I can relate. Can't you?? Do you ever have a "moment'? When the stress levels with the children are getting to the blowing up point, and the baby is crying and only wants YOU, and the two smallest are fussing, and the oldest is having a TEEN moment, and daddy is gone somewhere??? Well, my friend, there is help. Jesus is here for us. We just have to take time to seek His face. Pray for strength. Honestly, sometimes I do this, and still fail. But I am a work in progress.
   If you haven't seen the movie, its definitely worth buying. It will make you laugh a lot, and really has a good message. Being a mom IS crazy hard. But its the best job in the world!

Happy Birthday Brennen

Happy Birthday, my sweet baby boy!
   I can't believe that you are one year old today. As I write this, I am thinking about that day we met you. Right now I was laughing and talking with your daddy, Grandmother, and Grand pop. At 10:30 am I got out of bed and started walking around the room. Immediately the contractions kicked in. You came into the world at 11:30. IT was one of the most awesome days ever. I wanted to have you without pain meds, and I DID IT! I was very proud of myself. I had planned and prepared for your birth the entire pregnancy. I had determined to do it naturally. I really don't think many people thought, after 7 epidurals, that I would do it. But I did. God gave me everything I had prayed for. I asked him to give me a safe, fast, fairly pain free birth. And that is exactly what I got!!!
     I am so proud to have you. my little snuggle bum, as a son. You are the sweetest little baby. You don't cry very much at all. You have stayed a little baby much longer than most of your siblings. You still aren't walking, and that is just fine with us!
     I prayed for you so much. I wanted another baby so bad. I was so afraid God had closed my womb and there wouldn't be any more. I was very excited and thankful to welcome you into our family.
     I pray that you will always be sensitive to the Lord. That God would always be first in your life. That you will never stray from the path He has for you.
     Lord, thank you for this small arrow that is such a huge part of our lives. Thank you, Lord, that we didn't say no to one more gift from You. Help me be a good mom so that Brennen can grow up to be a great soldier for You. That he will be brave and strong and never tire of serving You all his days. Thank you so much for the honor to raise him. Help me and his daddy to always point him to you, and raise him the way You would want.
                                                               In Jesus' name,



Time flies so quickly. My sweet baby boy, Brennen, will be a year old tomorrow. I can not believe it has been a year already. We had his party Saturday. The house was full of friends and family. (maybe a lot full!) My friend, Sidra, and I had spent many days planning and preparing decorations for his big day. (Thank you pinterest!) I used my Cricut machine and stamps to work wonders. Sidra graciously came and burned the midnight oil. Big thanks, my friend!!!
     It took three tries to get his outfit just right. The first time I didn't like my thread choice. The second timeit was waaaaaay too big. The third time it was just right.
I chose a koala theme. MY kids made up this game years ago called Hangy's Pets. Caleb(hangy) is the owner of a petshop and all the other kids are the animals. So Brennen was named Cubbie and he is the koala cub since he has always grabbed oour shirts and held on. So Cubbie stuck. And a koala theme was born.
    Koalas are really cute. And they were everywhere. Pictures will tell the story. We had a great time and above all, Brennen seemed to really enjoy his first big day.